福徳岡ノ場の噴火に由来すると思われる軽石が沖縄沿岸に漂着しており,海上交通,漁業,観光等に多大な影響を与えています. 港湾空港技術研究所では,従来から海上流出油の回収技術の研究開発を行っており,そこで培ったノウハウを用いて浮遊軽石の効率的な回収除去技術の開発に取り組んでいます. 次世代型油回収装置の要素技術の一つである先端吹きエジェクタを用いた吸引除去手法が軽石の回収に有効であるとの知見を得ています.
The eruption of Fukuoku-Oka-no-Ba in 2021 has resulted in a vast amount of pumice washing up on the shores of Okinawa Island, causing severe damage to marine traffic, fisheries, and recreational activities. In response to this dire situation, we swiftly developed a handy plume skimming device, drawing upon our extensive knowledge base and expertise. This innovative device incorporates a water jet suction element, which we found to be highly effective in skimming the floating pumice from the water's surface. We remain committed to continuously improving and refining our technology to better address environmental hazards and protect our planet's natural resources.

設計資料(関係者のみ) Design material(Designated persons only)
参考文献 References
特許6930767「浮遊油の回収処理装置」 Patent JP,6930767,B - Isamu FUJITA, Novel oil skimmer using bubble barrier and water jet suction — Prototype design and its tank test, engrXiv, DOI:engrxiv.org/j2qd8/,2021