Rheological reformation of high viscosity oil and application to recovery of heavy oil
一方、混合する時にある種の界面活性剤を添加すると、油滴が水中に分散したO/Wエマルションが生成され、 この時は、粘度が小くなります。
- ビーカーテスト
- 物理モデルの検討
- 管内摩擦損失の評価
- エダクタ吸引装置の開発
- 油水分離装置の検討
Heavy oils, such as crude oil or bunker oil, typically form W/O emulsions when mixed with water, resulting in a significant increase in viscosity.
However, the addition of a surfactant during the mixing process can produce an O/W emulsion, which has a much lower viscosity.
When it comes to recovering oil from a sunken ship, oil fluidity is a crucial factor that can require specific measures to reduce its viscosity.
In this study, we aim to explore a technique for efficiently recovering oil by generating O/W emulsions.
Our study includes two parts: a beaker test and a physical model, both of which investigate the conditions necessary for generating O/W emulsions. We will also develop devices to aid in the recovery process, including minimizing friction loss inside pipes, designing suction eductors, and developing oil/water separation techniques.
Phase inversion from W/O emulsion to O/W emulsion
Viscosity model
Schematic of experimental setup for friction loss measurement
参考文献(リンク) References(Links)
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